A wonderful benefit for employees as an ongoing part of your workplace wellness program or a one-time token of appreciation for your hard working team.

Still Bodyworks offers on-site chair massage for employee appreciation days, events, holidays or simply as a token of gratitude for returning to the office.

Still Bodyworks will provide 1 or more highly skilled and enthusiastic massage therapists who set up in a quiet area of your workplace or event center. We typically perform 10-20 minute massages throughout the day, leaving your team members feeling rejuvenated and relaxed. What better way to boost workplace morale and keep your employees feeling valued!

We also offer ongoing services for companies that want to set up weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or quarterly visits. Employees love chair massages, and it’s a sure way to increase productivity and positive vibes.

Please fill out the contact form to get started and we will work with you to create a customized plan based on how many massages will be performed and schedule.

Show your employees that you are invested in their wellness!

“Self-care is not selfish. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.”


Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.